Contact Cootharaba Studio

Contact Joan


Contact Len


Joan Cooper

Joan Cooper, Visual ArtistJoan, like many children during the war years, was born literally with a creative ability.  Most children during the World War II era were encouraged...


Len Cooper

Len Cooper, Warm Glass ArtistFor many years Len had been planning to make his love of sculpturing in warm glass become a reality.  As his successful business career was wound down...


Australian Active Artists 

Australian Active ArtistsJoan and Len are part of the fellowship of the Australian Active Artists a group of ten like minded artists who enjoy working and sharing their skills together.  They are all active artists known throughout the Australian Art Community.  Collectively these artists have more awards than is prossible to itemise here.

They practise and share their skills through their "Artists in Action", volunteers within the group.  The artists give freely of their skills at community venues when requested, responding to any enquiries regarding the visual arts and their specific area of expertise.

 Visit Australian Active Artists on Facebook

 Competant experienced artists are invited to enquire through one of the email addresses shown on the "Contact Us" page.

 They meet regularly at St Luke's Anglican Church, Ekibin, Brisbane, work to together and share their skills.